Store Hours

Our store hours Wednesday 10-3 Thursday Friday 10-5 & Saturday 10-4. phone : 330-364-3407

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Are you having trouble with the critters eating off your flowers.? Here is an organic spray I use to keep the deer from eating my flowers.

1 egg
1 cup cold water
4 drops rosemary essential oil

wisk all together & strain through a wire mesh strainer.
Put into a spray bottle & spray plants weekly.
Refrigerate any leftover mixture.

I have rosemary oil if you can't find it in your area.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bee Skep for your Garden

very nice butter Churn

Prim kitchen scale

We will resume our regular store hours March 23rd. Wed. 10-3
 Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10-5
Americana dolls now available. Interested? email me at I accept paypal & can ship any of these.